
Professional Contact Lens and Optical Clinic -  - Optometrist

Professional Contact Lens and Optical Clinic

Optometrists located in Farmington Hills, MI

By the time you reach age 80, you may be one of more than half of all Americans who either has a cataract or has already undergone cataract surgery. At Professional Contact Lens and Optical Clinic, in Farmington Hills, Michigan, Tiffany Zair-Yalda, OD, is an experienced optometrist who can diagnose cataracts and help you understand your treatment options to help improve your vision. If you notice changes in your vision that could be signs of a cataract, call the office to schedule an eye exam or request an appointment online.

Cataracts Q & A

What are cataracts?

A cataract forms on the clear lens of your eye as a cloudy buildup of tissue and protein. Cataracts make your eye look cloudy in appearance, as well as making it feel like you’re looking through a fogged-up window. Left untreated, cataracts can distort your vision and make it difficult to drive at night.

Cataracts usually affect one eye at a time and develop gradually as a result of age. As you get older, the lens in your eye becomes less flexible, less transparent, and thicker than they were when you were younger.

How do I know if I have cataracts?

You may not notice a cataract developing at first because it’s too small to affect your vision. That’s why regularly scheduled eye exams are so important, especially as you age, so Dr. Zair-Yalda can detect cataracts during their early stage of development. You may have a cataract if you notice any of the following circumstances or symptoms:

  • Clouded or blurry vision
  • Double vision
  • Difficulty seeing clearly at night or in dimly lit settings
  • Light sensitivity
  • The appearance of halos around lights, especially at night
  • Fading or yellowing colors
  • Frequent changes in your glasses or contact lens prescriptions

At the first signs of a cataract, you may be able to compensate vision problems with a stronger eyeglass prescription. However, as the size of the cataract increases and interferes with your ability to see clearly, you may need surgical treatment to remove the cataract.

What is the treatment for cataracts?

In most cases, when a cataract grows large enough to affect your vision, surgery is the best way to correct it. Today’s advanced laser technology makes it easy to remove the clouded lens from your eye. The procedure is painless, and you have a new, clear, intraocular lens inserted that becomes a permanent part of your eye.

Cataract surgery is usually an outpatient procedure with a high success rate. About 90% of people who have cataract surgery regain excellent vision that is between 20/20 and 20/40 without glasses.

If you notice changes in your vision, or you have trouble driving at night and suspect you may have cataracts, call Professional Contact Lens and Optical Clinic to schedule an eye exam or use the convenient online booking tool.